2nd Birthday Wishes: 2 year old babies are very cute and adorable, right? Two-year-olds find birthdays very exciting. So why not make their birthday the most memorable and entertaining for life-longer. When it comes to the 2nd birthday of a baby boy or baby girl, wish him or her a very happy birthday with some sweetest and best 2nd birthday quotes and second birthday wishes. Birthdays are very amazing and unique, which brings family, friends, and relatives together. However, when celebrating a child’s birthday, its happiness reaches a higher level.
If you are looking for some sweetest and 2nd birthday boy/girl wishes. We are here to help you to send your best birthday wishes for a 2-year-old boy or girl with happy 2nd birthday quotes wishes for 2nd birthday to make this special day of the child even more special and memorable. You show them how much they mean to you, how much you love and appreciate them. Here are some wonderful and best wishes for your second birthday. You can use these happy 2nd birthday wishes and quotes as a 2-year-old birthday card message to wish on the special day of the 2nd birthday boy or girl.
Happy 2nd Birthday Wishes
Today you will be 2 years old and soon you will start school. I am very proud of you. Happy 2nd Birthday!
Happy birthday, my dear little sparrow! If your parents weren’t here I would take you with me, you are so cute.
For the 2nd birthday I send my sweetheart a big smack and wishing you a lot of fun on your birthday.

Today is your birthday! Yep! Celebrate with all your friends and fill your stomach with lots of cake! Warm regards to your cradle festival.
For your 2nd birthday I’ll send you two cuddles and of course a present. Have fun with it, my darling and celebrate today!
Hello my darling, wishing you a lot of great gifts for your 2nd birthday – so many that you can’t wear them all! Congratulations.
It’s hard to believe that you are already two years old. Soon there will be many things will make you worry. Until then, sit back, relax in your stroller and enjoy your 2nd birthday!
You have brought so much energy into the family over the past 2 years that everyone seems much brighter and in a better mood. Just keep going and stay the way you are. Congratulations.
Fine, it’s your birthday today, a lot of people are already looking forward to it. We’re all here now and want to congratulate you. You’ve been two years, isn’t it? Happy birthday!
I wish my little darling all the best for her second birthday and that your guardian angel will always take good care of you. If he’s not looking so well, then I’m still there!
The 2-year-old holiday is really special today, and with twins you already have the booth full of people. Congratulations from us on your second birthday, you will soon be able to stand on your own two feet.

We don’t yet know what you will become – an astronaut, a doctor or a federal chancellor? In any case, we wish that all of your dreams will come true, even if you are only 2 years old.
I wish you a lot of fun on your 2nd birthday and especially a lot of fun with your friends. I hope that all of your wishes will be granted today and that you will manage to blow out both candles at once!
I enjoyed seeing you grow up for the first 2 years of your life. You are so clever that you are destined for higher tasks. Don’t forget us when you make millions, okay? Until then, I am sending you special congratulations on your 2nd birthday.
For your 2nd birthday wishing you all the best from the world and have a lot of fun eating cake with your family. Happy birthday, we congratulate you, you are now two! We think that’s great and we hope you’ll keep it up for many years to come.
A dear child you are as true, and that you bring joy is clear. You discover the world day after day, you always keep your parents on their toes. If you want to make big jumps, it often makes us laugh. You will be two years today and invite us to the party. Now we feel like celebrating, happy 2nd birthday!
2nd Birthday Messages for 2 Year Olds
A child’s first years involve moments of discovery and a lot of learning. It is at this stage that they establish emotional bonds and understand who is always with them. 2nd birthday messages are ideal translations for the feelings someone has for a birthday baby. Food is now more regulated, running around the house is frequent, the first words already make up an extensive vocabulary and love only grows! Celebrate your baby’s first 2 years of life with the best 2nd birthday messages! Fill his heart with love and peace on this very special date!
Happy birthday to the little 2-year-old sweetheart who has already won all the hearts around her with her adorable smiles.
This is your second year in this world. Make your world full of rainbows and unicorns. You a very special part of our lives.
Your smile is the most moving in the universe. You are a great kid, and I hope you always do. Happy birthday, kid!

Congratulations to my dear child on your 2nd birthday. You make every day indescribably beautiful, because we want to spoil you with all our resources.
Today you will have the right to two big kisses! Do you know why? Because you are two years old today! Happy birthday little heart!
Happy Birthday! I wish you 2 beautiful candles, at least 2 amazing gifts, 2 big pieces of cake … not to mention 2 big hugs.
For the 2nd birthday all the best and the greatest happiness in the world. Have a great birthday party and enjoy every minute of your life.
I can’t believe you’re turning two. Soon there will be many things to worry about. Until then, sit back, relax in your stroller and enjoy your 2nd birthday!
At the age of 2 you already look gorgeous, you will soon be out of your diapers. I wish you all the best, good health and success as well.
The arrival of a child changes everything in a house, always for the better. It is as if more light, happiness and love has arrived. Today we celebrate two years of our baby’s arrival.
Today is set aside to celebrate your life, so let’s celebrate the biggest and best gift we’ve ever received! You are like an angel in our lives because you were sent to bring more light and happiness!
Today we all look back on two years full of happiness. Have learned so much in a short time and today the time has finally come! Your second birthday is just around the corner, your relatives celebrate with you!
No matter if 2, 3 or four. We wish you all the best forever. Even if you have soon forgotten today, we want to compete in the cake today. We’re all here to sing with you, with so many beautiful things.

Now you are no longer a baby, it has been two years since you were born, which is a real joy. Today we really celebrate, your birthday is important to us. Have a look at the presents, good luck, you little sunshine!
Drum, chocolate, gummy bears, running wheels and a book with fairy tales. You get many gifts on your second day of honor, so they show you that they like you. But gifts are not only luck, you should always be full of love!
It’s been two years now when everyone was really happy. Heaven sent you to us when you saw the light of day. There are tons of presents here, come here and open them all right away. Health, happiness and lots of blessings may be life for you!
Go your way my child and always stay true to yourself. Life offers us so many opportunities that we have to master. Surely mom and dad will prepare you in the best possible way on this path and we will always be behind you. Congratulations from all of us.
Our little prince / princess turns 2 today! This is really great! We are happy that we can celebrate this beautiful day with you. Stay such a lovely girl / boy and keep making your parents happy. We wish you all the joy and luck in the world with all our hearts!
You are now two sweet years and you have had a lot to do. Learning to eat, talk and walk was not always easy, but be proud of what you have achieved in just two years. But that wasn’t all in life, it continues with learning and striving! Good luck to your cradle celebration, always the best piece of everything!

Dear birthday child, you were born 2 years ago. You were so tiny and completely helpless! Today it looks very different. You sweep through your house like a small whirlwind and keep mom and dad on their toes! From now on you will discover the world step by step and you will be amazed at the many wonders that it has in store for you.
We’ve been able to share two years with you, crazy how the days go by. You have learned a lot since you’ve been with us, what would we have missed without you: Your laughing, your giggling, your jokes, your actions, we would have a lot of time to rest, but without you life would be very gray, with you it is as colorful as a beautiful peacock.
Your whole life is still ahead of you. What will it give you in the future, the answer is probably in the stars, but you will surely learn to survive the ascent and descent and you can mostly see the summit. We are always here when you need us, but today we congratulate you! We wish the very best for the second year at the birthday party!
Dear …, your 2nd birthday is something very special, because you experience it much more consciously than your first. You are slowly getting an idea of how important and beautiful the day of your birth is for you, your family and your friends. We wish you that you can really enjoy this festival and that it gives you the anticipation for all the birthdays that are still to come. Stay such a happy, inquisitive and great kid! We love you very much and we wish you all the best from our hearts!
2nd Birthday Wishes for Boy
Congratulations on your 2nd birthday, my little darling. I am especially proud of you because you are such a great boy.
Today is a big day for us. Today, two years ago, our magic villain was born. Happy birthday, our little cutie!
Finally, today is your 2nd birthday. It’s time to have fun, enjoy cake and the love of mom and dad. We love you baby. Happy Birthday!

Wishing you a lot of fun for your 2nd birthday, great gifts and a great birthday party! Happy 2nd birthday to the coolest little boy in kindergarten!
Baby, when you were two you learned a lot. This is just the beginning of your life, which will be full of great achievements. Happy birthday little boy!
We want to greet you warmly, sweeten your birthday. Two years young, that’s fine, you’ll soon be much bigger. Time even goes by quickly, cheers for the birthday boy!
You are the cutest two-year-old boy I know. The girls will queue up at your place later. Until then, have a lot of fun and especially today, on your birthday!
My little and fair prince is already 2 years old. How time flies quickly? Happy birthday, darling. Wishing you that your life will be filled with bliss, love, happiness and health.
It’s your 2nd birthday, my love! Enjoy the sweet cake. You are the most charming, beautiful child and we are happy to share our love and experience with you! Happy 2nd Birthday!
I asked God for his blessing and he gave us you. Your sweet smile is sacred to me and your father. Our child, love you dear, congratulate you on your birthday!
Today there is a lot of happiness in our family, because 2 years ago a little angel joined us. Wishing your life will be filled with happiness and love. Happy 2nd birthday, dear!

Angel, your mom and dad congratulate you on your 2nd birthday. Wishing you to grow up as a real person. Let your life be filled with smiles, sincerity and good people. We love you!
Hipp hipp hurray, the birthday boy is here! You have several wishes, including a piece of cake. Today we want to jump vigorously and sing, deliver our congratulations. We wish you love, happiness and God’s blessings on all your paths.
May God bless you with a bright and happy life. You are very sweet now and must keep this innocence for life. Help people who need support, as we do now with you. It is impossible to convey in words how we love you.
A loud hip-hip hurray to the birthday boy! Little…. is actually already 2 years! Today you have several wishes, including your favorite cake! We want to cheer you up, sing, hop, dance and laugh with you. Wishing you all the best on all your paths, good luck and God’s rich blessings!
You’ve now reached the age when childhood begins. It is no longer a little baby, it will have the chance of new discoveries and challenges, in a world full of news and achievements. My little boy, you will always be my baby, but for the world and for you, this is a new phase, which shows that you are growing and time is passing. I will always be here, puppy! Happy 2nd birthday!
Today our baby is two years old. We are proud parents and we can already say that our little one has become a talkative little man. On your 2nd birthday, we see that many words are already being added to your vocabulary and we are happy to see all this growth and learning. May you continue to evolve and learn new words each day, including especially those of love and gratitude, in your dictionary. Congratulations, my little treasure!
Two years of life for the most beautiful baby in the world! My little prince, it’s an honor to be your sister. Without you, this house was empty and dull, but with your arrival came joy. I want to follow all your stages and be the coolest sister in the world for you. I want to become a true example and make you very proud of me. I wish you to grow up rich in health, joy and peace. I love you and congratulations!
2nd Birthday Wishes for a Girl
2nd birthday wishes and messages for one year old girls to mark this special day for her lifetime.
I wish your whole life to be filled with unlimited happiness, fun and love. Happy birthday, my angel!
I think every little girl should have her own pony, shouldn’t mom and dad? Congratulations on your second birthday!
Baby, mom and dad’s most precious treasure is your sweetest smile. Never lose innocence and light. Happy 2nd birthday dear!

For her second birthday, we wish the cutest little girl in the whole world good luck and especially big gifts.
Happy birthday sweetie! Without your adorable smiles, hugs and love; life will be so useless and miserable. Happy birthday, dear angel!
Baby, today is your birthday! You are as beautiful as a doll today. Let us celebrate your 2nd year of life! Happy 2nd birthday!
For your 2nd birthday I want to tell you that I’m so proud of you for being such a clever little girl. Happy Birthday!
The little princess should live high because she is 2 years old today. Wishing you a great birthday party and lots of nice gifts.
When I hug you, it’s like a super warm blanket, full of love and innocence. You make my life so bright! Happy birthday, my love!
I think every little girl by age 2 should have her own little cat, right? I’ll talk to mom and dad about it … Happy 2nd birthday!
For your 2nd birthday, I want to tell you that I’m so proud of you for being such a clever little girl. Happy second Birthday!
My dear, happy second birthday! I wish you to grow up as an intelligent and beautiful girl. I love you like crazy! I kiss you, cutie!
You are the cutest two year old boy I know. The girls will queue up at your place later. Until then, have a lot of fun and especially today, on your birthday!
Happy 2nd birthday to the adorable baby girl. I wish many gifts and surprises with joyous moments. You are the world’s best gift for parents. Never forget it. We love you.

I am not sure yet whether you will later become a scientist or doctor or president, but I am sure that you are a very special girl. Congratulations on your 2nd birthday.
May your 2nd birthday be full of joy and magic. Your magical eyes reflect the whole universe. Let us celebrate your big day with the most delicious cake that your mother prepared for you. Happy birthday!
Our dear child, you are growing so fast, and now you are two years old. Your parents love you, and we will try to help you in any way we can along your life path. 2nd Happy Birthday!
My girl, today you are 2 years old and I’m even afraid to leave you alone. Being so adventurous and so smart, you brave the world without any fear. It’s admirable that you’re so strong and so brave, but I confess I still have to learn to deal with this. May this your birthday be very naughty, do a lot of mischief and be surrounded by people who love you. Congratulations on your day!
I can’t believe it’s been two years since you arrived. I ask the time to pass slowly and take it easy, because my girl is getting bigger every day, she’s already a girl! Happy two years princess! May your life be as beautiful as you are, that you have a lot of energy, good health, many happy, funny and peaceful moments! Life is a thousand times better after you chose us to share it with you!
2nd Birthday Wishes for My Son
Amazing and sweet 2nd birthday messages for son with some beautiful images to share on 2-year-old boy’s birthday. Check out these 2nd birthday wishes and messages.
Congratulations to the little man who brought a huge bundle of joy into our lives. Happy 2nd birthday!
Baby, you are the main reason why mom and dad smile. We cannot escape your sweet charm. Little boy, happy 2nd birthday.
You are only 24 months old, but you’ve no idea how happy our life has become with you. Happy birthday baby.

I wish the little prince for his 2nd birthday that all his wishes come true and that he has a great day!
Today everything revolves around cakes, gifts and birthday decorations. Do you know why because the little superstar turns 2 today? Wishing you all the best!
Year after year you get older, soon three. Everyone comes by to celebrate you, we have a wonderful son, our love and blessings are yours.
Happy birthday to our lovely son, you are only two years old. Wishing your life to be filled with kind people, love, and fun. We adore you!
You are still very young, baby, but you are incredibly good. You will definitely grow up a person who is beautiful in every sense. My dear, happy 2nd birthday!
Baby, happy birthday! I don’t know what you will become, but there is a high probability that you will become a good runner. Enjoy your childhood, my love!
Happy birthday to my shining star. In the past 2 years, you’ve illuminated our lives. We hope you have a huge bundle of joy, happiness and smile. Happy 2nd birthday!
Exactly two years ago you were born. I looked at you with love and wonder. You are the gift God gave me and I’m so grateful! Baby, congratulations on your birthday!
My baby, you have just completed two years of your long and vibrant life. Every day you become more and more cute and fun. We want you to know that your parents adore you and wishing you a happy birthday.
I wish I could be by your side 24 hours a day, but I can’t. The simple memory of you makes me smile and makes me count every minute I have to see you. Happy birthday, little one. I love you!
Go your own way my child and always remain true to yourself. Life offers us so many opportunities that we have to master. Surely mom and dad will prepare you in the best possible way on this path and we will always be behind you. Congratulations from all of us.

I always knew the importance of a father, but I didn’t know how important a child was in life. The love I feel is bigger than anything else. I will be by your side for a lifetime, because I love you! Congratulations, son, on your two years!
You are the fruit of a great love, little one. Such a feeling could not have given birth to someone less special than you! Always smiling, obeying, playing… You are an immensely blessed and loved child, my son. May this your birthday be happier than ever and that you continue to be this wonderful child. Congratulations, my little angel!
Two years ago our home was blessed with your arrival. For so long I dreamed of you, but nothing could have prepared me for the emotion you brought me. My love, you taught me what happiness is. Today we celebrate your second year of life with a party and I hope you have a lot of fun. Happy 2nd Birthday!
Baby, you filled our life with meaning. Your day with you is full of love and bright colors. You are growing very quickly, and I want to remember every second of your childhood. Many new things will soon enter your life, such as school, friends, and new challenges. But now we can just enjoy each other’s company. Love you. Happy Birthday!
My son, at 2 years of age you already have almost all of your teeth in your mouth, you have accumulated some scars, you know how to say several words. Keeping up with your growth is the best experience I’ve ever had in my life and every day it gives me an anxiety to know what your invention will be and what you’ll be up to. I am very happy with you, my love! Happy 2nd Birthday!
Congratulations baby, today you are two years old. Your life is a reason for joy and gratitude. Everything that has happened in our lives since his arrival has been a gift from God. You brought a lot of movement into this house, and nothing else has been stagnant, frozen in time. You changed everything, and everything changed for the better. We are a complete family thanks to your birth. Congratulations, son, may you grow up surrounded by this love we nurture for you. We are grateful for your life.
2nd Birthday Wishes for Daughter
Look at these best birthday wishes for daughter to show her your love and her importance in your life.
Congratulations on my 2nd birthday to my little princess. I wish you a great, special day with many gifts.
Congratulations on my 2nd birthday to my cute, sweet and little princess. Wishing you a great, special day with many gifts.
Congratulations on the 2nd birthday of the little princess! Just 2 years old and she already has mum and dad under control.

I wish the little princess all the best for her 2nd birthday and lots of fun at her first children’s birthday party!
For her second birthday, we wish the cutest little girl in the whole universe good luck and especially big gifts. Happy 2nd birthday!
Today you will be 2 years old and have grown a little bit again. If this continues, you will become even bigger than mom and dad! Happy Birthday!
My little Princess, you are a huge blessing and a sweetest gift of our life. Wishing you a beautiful and magical 2nd birthday. Wishing all your wishes and dreams come true.
What a lucky thing to have a cute little girl who has been laughing, running, and exploring the universe, you are my world. I’m proud to be your mom. 2nd Happy birthday dear!
My love for you is so strong, stronger than anything else. Holding you in my arms first time, is the best moment of my life. My dear angel, happy birthday. Enjoy your day and pie!
This is the 2nd birthday of the new soul who has chosen us as its parents. In the 1st year, you were busy sleeping, eating, and defecate, but now you begin to discover the world. Enjoy your adventure! Happy birthday dear!
Oh my God! Thank you for the prettiest girl we’ve ever seen. Nice to see you in our family. You’re so sweet and will grow up to be a beautiful real princess. Keep growing healthy and happy. Happy 2nd Birthday, our lovely baby!

This is your second year in our life, but you have already managed to change our life, making it full and happy. You are our lifelong happiness. Baby, wishing you a joyous and happy birthday and we love you more than our life.
Looking at your laughing eyes I understand the true meaning of innocence. Listening to your little heart beating under my hands I understand the true meaning of love. I wish you a very nice birthday for your 2 years. Love you more than life!
The day you said your first word will never be forgotten by your parents. You make us laugh with joy every day. This is your second birthday, and we wish you a bright future and a happy childhood. Always stay as happy as you are now. We love you.
Baby when first time I hugged you, my heart even skipped a few beats, I was so excited. You make my life blissful and complete and I will do my best to be the best mom in the world. I kiss your chubby cheeks and wishing you a happy 2nd birthday!
2nd Birthday Wishes for Grandson
I’m the proudest grandmother in this universe because I’ve the greatest grandson in the world and that’s you! Congratulations on your 2nd cradle celebration.
Today everything revolves around cakes, gifts and birthday decorations. Do you know why because the little superstar turns 2 today. I wish you all the best!
I’m the proudest grandma in the whole wide world because I have the greatest grandson in the whole world and that’s you! Congratulations on your 2nd cradle celebration.

Congratulations on the second birthday of the best grandson! Grandma and grandpa brought you some good things and wanted to give you the best blessings on your way.
Since you’ve been in this world, neither wealth nor money counts. Our wealth is you, our sparrow, our greatest family treasure! So we wish you all the best for your second birthday, grandma and grandpa!
Two years ago I got this gift: my grandson. I can’t wait for him to grow up and I can teach him things my father taught me. I want to follow each step of your growth and your life.
I can’t believe you’re only 2 years old. You’re so smart, attentive, polite and fun that you look a lot older! It is the greatest pride of the family and for sure you will have a very happy and successful life. How good to have you in my life!
No matter how years passes, I’ll always remember your first smile, the first word, the first step. You’re so little, but you’ve left so many marks in our life… so much love and happiness. Those two years will turn into ten, twenty, fifty and more. Everything will change, except our love for you.
Today is your 2nd birthday. It’s already been 24 months of running around the house, toys on the floor, giggles and lots of crying. Everything’s been a mess since you arrived, and that’s how I like it. Without you it wouldn’t be fun! Thank you for making my life more fun, happy and crazy!
My dear godchild, I wish you all the best for your 2nd birthday. May God always have his protective eye on you and reliably accompany you on all your ways. I also want to be at your side with words and deeds and try to always be there for you. Your godfather / godmother…
We wish our dear grandchild … all the best for his 2nd birthday, good luck and God’s blessings! We are so happy that you exist and we look forward to seeing you grow and prosper. Your grandparents…

It doesn’t feel like it’s only been two years since you were born. I can no longer remember my life without you, without your delicious laugh, your clumsy walk, your eyes shining with curiosity to explore the world. Your joy in living makes me feel so good! Let’s celebrate your life so full of good things. Congratulations!
Being a grandmother is like having the opportunity to be a mother again, but with fewer obligations. All I care about is giving you love and seeing your happiness. In those two years, whenever I saw those little eyes of yours shining, a joy invaded me and took me completely. Happy 2nd birthday, my grandson! Grandma will always be with you!
How can such a small being bring us so much joy and love? I will always take care of you, my little one. I will be by your side every in your ups and down. You’ve changed so much in that time, learned so many things… We can even talk! Thank you for filling my life with light. Happy 2nd birthday!
How fast two years passed! Two years of pure love, play, diapers and endless laughs. Watching you grow, my baby, is one of the biggest gifts that life has provided me. I get lost in your easy laugh and my happiness reaches the highest possible level when I pick you up. Congratulations for these 2 years! May many years of light and play come around!
Is anyone turning 2 years old today? Is he a person who already knows how to count on his fingers how many years of life he has? Someone who learns that fast could only be you, my love. I will never tire of declaring all my love and all my admiration for you. Always stay by my side so that we can learn more and more!
You are no longer a baby, but it is inevitable to call you that! Today my little one completes 2 years of life full of happiness, love and great health. Today I wish that God continues to grace you and provide you with a very beautiful life. May your next year be filled with people who love you and memorable moments. Happy 2nd birthday, my eternal baby!
2nd Birthday Wishes for Granddaughter
The little princess should live high, because she will be 2 years old today! We wish you a great birthday party and lots of nice gifts.
Officially you will be bigger and greeted warmly by everyone, no wonder if you sweeten our day too. Grandma and Grandpa love you very much, we wish you good health and happiness for life.

We’ve already missed our dearest grandchild, we all know-how in a good mood you are every day. For the second, my little darling, I just wish you the best, I am always there for you, I give you my oath!
It is not yet clear whether you will later become a chancellor or a veterinarian, but it is already crystal clear that you are a very special girl who can do anything that she intends to do. Congratulations on your 2nd birthday!
It’s only been two years since you enter into our lives, but it feels like a lot longer. There are so many smiles that you have awakened in us, so much evolution in such a short time. Thank you for giving me the best two years of my life already.
Astronaut? Rock star? Firefighter? We don’t yet know what profession you will take up when you grow up. But we know that you still have a lot of time to make up your mind. Until then, I wish you a wonderful life and send you my best wishes on your 2nd birthday.
My dear grandchild, I wish you all the best for your 2nd birthday! May God always keep a protective eye on you and reliably accompany you on all your ways. I also want to be at your side with words and deeds and try to always be there for you. Your grandfather/grandmother…
We await your arrival for nine months, we loved you even before you were born. When you finally arrived in this world, it was almost a war to be able to hold you in my arms, because everyone wanted to get some. Since then you bring us a lot of joy. Congratulations, little one!

We wish you dear grandchild … all the best for your 2nd birthday, good luck, and God’s blessings! May life show you all its small and large miracles and only have nice surprises in store for you. We are so happy that you exist and we look forward to seeing you grow and prosper. Your grandparents
My little piece of people is already 2 years old. Happy 2nd birthday to you, reason for my happiness and my faith in the future of humanity! I guarantee you that few people in this world will love and protect you as much as I do. May many more years come around to play, smile and learn together.
You are already two years old, hard to believe. You came to this world miraculously. The time we spend with you flies so fast because we enjoy every moment. It is a blessing to be able to watch you grow. Happy birthday to the most naughty and cheerful child.
It is with great joy in the heart that today we celebrate your second year of life. Happy 2nd birthday, baby! You were and are, our great treasure-trove and knowing that I am part of your life, of your growth, is one of the greatest joys of my life. We all wish the best for you, and I in particular will always do everything for your happiness. I love you very much, my granddaughter!
Congratulations to my granddaughter who is now two years old. I already know it’s a different phase and I’m prepared to put up with your stubbornness and also your tantrums. You can go against your parents’ wishes and I know they’ll be very stressed out, but grandma here is already very experienced and knows how to handle all this very well. Soon this will pass, because soon you will be a young girl and other concerns will arise, but until then, grandma will always be here to protect and welcome you.
2nd Birthday Wishes for Niece
Amazing birthday wishes for niece to send your best wishes and blessings on her birthday.
Thank you for bringing this wonderful child into our lives. I love her so much I don’t even know how to explain it. Today is the day to celebrate her life and celebrate these two years of great joy.
Two years ago the joy of the family was born. You came chubby and weeping, but full of strength and energy to face this crazy world and totally different for you. Auntie followed everything closely, with a lot of love and pride. And many diapers changed too, because being an aunt is being a bit of a mother. My beautiful niece, congratulations on your 2 years. Auntie loves you so much!

Two years. There are those who say it’s a short time, but I’ll have to disagree. For those who followed its evolution, two years is too little for so much wisdom, so much love and so many adventures that were presented to us as a result of its arrival. Today you are officially two years old. You’re not a baby anymore, but that’s what we like to call you. Happy birthday, pretty thing!
Today you will be 2 years old and soon you will start school. I am very proud of you. Happy 2nd Birthday!
For your 2nd birthday I’ll send you two cuddles and of course a present. Have fun with it, my darling, and celebrate today!
Today there is a party with chocolate cake and a raspberry drink, with candles and with sunshine, your birthday should be so beautiful! Happy 2nd birthday!
I can hardly believe that you are already two years old. Soon there will be many things to worry about. Until then, sit back, relax in your stroller and enjoy your 2nd birthday!
Drum, chocolate, gummy bears, running wheels, and a book with fairy tales. You get many gifts on your second day of honor, so they show you that they like you. But gifts are not only luck, but you should also always be full of love!
Today you still don’t quite understand everything I say, but one day you will read this and know that I loved you from the beginning. You will know that it has always brought me joy and that it has changed my life for the better. Congratulations baby!
It’s been two years now when everyone was really happy. Heaven sent you to us when you saw the light of day. There are tons of presents here, come here and open them all right away. Health, happiness, joy and lots of blessings may be life for you!
What a beautiful day it is, on which our … has a birthday! You are now in this world for 2 years and the sunshine that brightens up our day! Happy 2nd birthday!
You are now two sweet years and you have had a lot to do. Learning to eat, talk and walk were not always easy, but be proud of what you have achieved in just two years. But that wasn’t all in life, it continues with learning and striving! Good luck to your cradle, always the best piece of everything!
We’ve been allowed to share two years with you, crazy how the days go by. You have learned a lot since you’ve been with us, what would we have missed without you: Your laughing, your giggling, your jokes, your actions, we would have a lot of time to rest, but without you, life would be very gray, with you it’s as colorful as a beautiful peacock.
2nd Birthday Wishes for Nephew
Here are some wonderful birthday wishes for Nephew who is turning 2.
Cheers to you birthday boy, you were so fast for two years. But adulthood is still a long way off, keep the serenity! Happy 2nd birthday!
Year after year you get older, soon to be three. Everyone comes by to celebrate you, we have a wonderful son, our love and blessings are yours.
Who knows whether you will be a doctor, or an astronaut – but what is certain is that you are a very special little man. Happy 2nd birthday!
I never thought I’d be here, writing for your birthday when you can’t even read. However, I know you pick up on the energy of the words and can feel the love we put into them when we talk about you, my baby. You are turning two years old today.
Congratulations, dear nephew. Today you complete two years of life. It’s a great gift to have you in our lives. We build a great affection and love for you and, especially, for your antics. You are a very cute and little boy. May God grant you great health and may you have a lot of energy to continue your antics.
Today you are 2 years old and this is just the beginning of an enlightened journey, my dear nephew! I want you to know that I pray every day for your happiness and that I will always do what I can to get a real smile off your face. May your day be sweet and blessed like you, my little one. Happy 2nd Birthday!
This smart and smiling child is turning two today! What a joy to see your evolution, your learnings and your joy in making a new discovery. My greatest wish is that you always be that way, with a pure heart and molded in happiness, because your well-being is my well-being too. Happy birthday to the most charming baby in the world! My love for you is immeasurable.
Today, you complete two years of life. What joy, what love, what a privilege to have you in our lives! Our little angel, we promise to take care of you with all our strength, make you happy at all costs and love you so much for all eternity! May you continue to grow and develop with health, good friends, love, happiness and may your light never go out!
The first years of life are probably the ones in which people evolve and learn things the most. You often don’t accept laps anymore, you know how to express what you want or don’t want and you are already full of personality. I want your life to be filled with learning and also that you never fail to express what you feel or think. Happy Two Year Anniversary! May life be kind to you.
Nothing like the presence of a child to brighten our dark days. When we learned of your arrival, the change here at home was instantaneous. Everything gained color, gained life, gained love. My little one, today is the day to thank you for your life and for choosing us as your family. You arrived in the world just two years ago, but you’ve already made a complete turnaround in our routines (for the better, I guarantee it). Happy 2nd birthday, pretty thing!
Congratulation Messages for 2 Year Olds
Two years have flown by, And the baby is almost big. Congratulations from the deep of my heart.
You are happy parents, the baby is already 2 years old! On this wonderful holiday I congratulate you!
Your baby is celebrating his second birthday today. Therefore, we congratulate you, let the baby be covered with warmth. Congratulations!

Let him always be accompanied by Happiness, tenderness and success. Let him not grieve you, Cause only joy and laughter. Congratulations!
Let it be smart and nice, and beautiful, just like mom. Well, strong and reliable, brave, loyal, just like dad. Congratulations!
I want to wish the baby health. So that he grows big and always cheerful, so that trouble goes away from him.
Your happiness is two years old today! We hasten to congratulate you first. Let the weather be in the house only and kid be loved by fate. Congratulations!
Every birthday is so important, On this day, let the whole family gather. The child fills the house with comfort and warmth, Two years since he became your heart and soul! Congratulations!
I congratulate you, dear and wonderful parents, on the 2nd anniversary of your wonderful child. Wishing you a strong and friendly family, fun pastime and great ideas. May your child be the greatest joy and great happiness for you.
Happy 2nd birthday of a wonderful child, I congratulate happy parents. I wish your family prosperity and peace, prosperity and love. Let the baby make you happy every day with his successes, small and big victories, a kind smile and strong hugs. Wishing you good health and happiness, fun and goodness.
Congratulations to the wonderful and happy parents with 2 baby crumbs. I wish the adorable child a happy and good road of life, fun fun and joyful surprises, interesting toys and strong love from parents. Let your family be strong and friendly, and let the house be filled with light and warmth.
I congratulate you, happy parents, on the 2nd anniversary of your beautiful child. I wish you a friendly and strong family, prosperity in the house and understanding, happy and blissful holidays and a wonderful time together. Let the child be your bright ray of light on the way, great hope and real pride.
Congratulations to the wonderful and kind parents on the 2nd birthday of their baby. Wishing you great interest, great discoveries on the way of your miracle, good health and bright happiness. May your family be friendly and prosperous, may your child make you happy every day with a kind smile and gentle hugs.
Today, parents, we congratulate you, After all, for two whole years, the child is already, We only wish your family happiness, May there always be only joy in the soul, May your child grow strong, healthy, Protect him from troubles and worries, May the dear baby be kind and smart, you grow it without any worries!
Congratulations to the most amazing, loving, kind parents. An angel has been living in your house for two years now, we wish him and you health. Let your child grow up as a good person, adopt the best qualities from you. Let your baby grow up in your home, which is filled with love, in the atmosphere of a kind fairy tale.
I congratulate the happiest and most exemplary parents on the two-year-old birthday of their beloved baby! We would like to wish you even more happiness in endless love and warm care, pleasant little things, a calm spiritual atmosphere, sincere trust and support for each other. And we wish your child exciting travels, useful knowledge, always good appetite, sound sleep and a radiant mood for every restless day.
Short 2nd Birthday Wishes
Congratulations on the 2nd birthday for the cutest princess in the world!
Congratulations on the 2nd birthday for the biggest little treasure in the world. Have fun!
My dear son, I wish you a happy birthday! You are all for me.
Happy second birthday to the charming, sweetest and adorable one in the whole universe!
Hello my little darling. I wish you have a greatest give for your second cradle celebration! Have fun!
Do you know that you are the cutest child in this universe? Happy 2nd birthday baby. Love you!
Congratulations on your 2nd birthday, my darling. I’m proud of you because you are such a great boy.
Your life path only began two years ago. Let it be fun and joyful. Happy birthday, our angel!
Happy birthday, little one! If your parents weren’t here I would take you with me, you are so cute.
You are 2 years, happy birthday to you! You should have luck and love and lots of beautiful gifts!
For your 2nd birthday, wishing you all the luck in the world. You are the greatest blessings for your parents.
I wish the little bundles of joy all the luck in the world for their 2nd birthday and of course many great gifts!
2nd Birthday Messages from Mother to Son
Here are some wonderful 2nd birthday wishes for son from mother that will help you as a mother to wish him a blissful and happy birthday.
Baby, 2 years ago I gave birth to you. I am looking at you now, surprised at how much you have learned. The way you explore, play, and laugh is so special. My baby, happy second birthday to you!
In my arms you will always find protection. In my words, respect will always be more important. In my eyes, the love that overflows from within me. Your 2nd birthday is a very special date for us and it makes us sure that the dream of living by your side is also our reality. Congratulations my love!
Two years ago I welcomed you into my life and everything changed for the better. I can only thank you for being your mother. I will take care of you throughout your life, I will always love you and do everything so that nothing hurts you. This is just the beginning of the wonderful life you will have. Congratulations, my baby!
When Mom told me she was pregnant, I’m not sure I liked the idea very much, but then you were born. When I saw those little eyes watching me, I couldn’t help but love. The truth is that I got the best gift ever, one that I will take with me for a lifetime. Congratulations, little brother! You can always count on me!
It’s been two years since I received the biggest gift of my life, so I’m very happy to wish you a very happy and blissful birthday, my child. I used to feel very happy joyous knowing that you are in my stomach. This feeling was increasing day by day around you. May your day be bright, and your life, my little child. Congratulations!
For nine months I waited for you, always imagining what you would be like. And now it’s been 2 years with you transforming my life and also evolving every day. I dare say that you are already, in a way, independent, walking around, discovering things, learning words, showing your opinions. My love, I wish these years to multiply many times and that you never stop learning. I love you so much. Happy 2nd Birthday!
I can’t believe my little baby is turning two years old! It’s wonderful to see your evolution and your little daily achievements. With each passing day, I feel more proud of the little human being that I put in the world and every day he teaches me to be a better person. May daddy in heaven bless you in grace and knowledge and may you be very happy. Mom loves you so much. Happy 2nd Birthday!
2nd Birthday Congratulations for Boy and Girl
Two years have flown by, And the baby is almost big. Congratulations from the deep of my heart.
You are happy parents, the baby is already 2 years old! On this wonderful holiday I congratulate you!
Your baby is celebrating his second birthday today. Therefore, we congratulate you, let the baby be covered with warmth. Congratulations!

Let him always be accompanied by Happiness, tenderness and success. Let him not grieve you, Cause only joy and laughter. Congratulations!
Let it be smart and nice, and beautiful, just like mom. Well, strong and reliable, brave, loyal, just like dad. Congratulations!
I want to wish the baby health. So that he grows big and always cheerful, so that trouble goes away from him.
Your happiness is two years old today! We hasten to congratulate you first. Let the weather be in the house only and kid be loved by fate. Congratulations!
Every birthday is so important, On this day, let the whole family gather. The child fills the house with comfort and warmth, Two years since he became your heart and soul! Congratulations!
I congratulate you, dear and wonderful parents, on the 2nd anniversary of your wonderful child. Wishing you a strong and friendly family, fun pastime and great ideas. May your child be the greatest joy and great happiness for you.
Happy 2nd birthday of a wonderful child, I congratulate happy parents. I wish your family prosperity and peace, prosperity and love. Let the baby make you happy every day with his successes, small and big victories, a kind smile and strong hugs. Wishing you good health and happiness, fun and goodness.
Congratulations to the wonderful and happy parents with 2 baby crumbs. I wish the adorable child a happy and good road of life, fun fun and joyful surprises, interesting toys and strong love from parents. Let your family be strong and friendly, and let the house be filled with light and warmth.
I congratulate you, happy parents, on the 2nd anniversary of your beautiful child. I wish you a friendly and strong family, prosperity in the house and understanding, happy and blissful holidays and a wonderful time together. Let the child be your bright ray of light on the way, great hope and real pride.
Congratulations to the wonderful and kind parents on the 2nd birthday of their baby. Wishing you great interest, great discoveries on the way of your miracle, good health and bright happiness. May your family be friendly and prosperous, may your child make you happy every day with a kind smile and gentle hugs.
Today, parents, we congratulate you, After all, for two whole years, the child is already, We only wish your family happiness, May there always be only joy in the soul, May your child grow strong, healthy, Protect him from troubles and worries, May the dear baby be kind and smart, you grow it without any worries!
Congratulations to the most amazing, loving, kind parents. An angel has been living in your house for two years now, we wish him and you health. Let your child grow up as a good person, adopt the best qualities from you. Let your baby grow up in your home, which is filled with love, in the atmosphere of a kind fairy tale.
I congratulate the happiest and most exemplary parents on the two-year-old birthday of their beloved baby! We would like to wish you even more happiness in endless love and warm care, pleasant little things, a calm spiritual atmosphere, sincere trust and support for each other. And we wish your child exciting travels, useful knowledge, always good appetite, sound sleep and a radiant mood for every restless day.
Funny 2nd Birthday Messages
At the age of 2 you can start thinking about your own pony, right? I’ll try to convince mom and dad.
I think every little girl should have her own pony, shouldn’t mum and dad? Congratulations on your 2nd birthday!
I think every little girl by age 2 should have her own little cat, right? I’ll talk to mom and dad about it … Happy birthday!
2 nostrils, 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 feet. 2 is therefore an important number! I wish you a happy birthday for your 2 years!
I think every little girl by age 2 should have her own little cat, right? I’ll talk to mom and dad about it … Happy 2nd birthday!
2 years = 2 times more cake to eat, 2 years = 2 times more hugs, 2 years = 2 times more love to give, Happy birthday my big!
We all have two hands, two feet, two ears and two eyes … and guess what? You are two years old today! Astonishing, no? Happy Birthday!
Today you will be 2 years old and have grown a little bit again. If this continues, you will become even bigger than mom and dad! Happy Birthday!
Klipp-klapp, klipp-klapp, two little eyes squint in amazement into the day, zip-zap, zip-zap, two little ears listen for what may come next. Happy 2nd birthday!
We wish your little diaper pup all the best for your children’s birthday party. Surely you have already read your child’s every wish from the lips and organized a huge celebration.

A two-year-old cute baby’s strange activities, smile, and words they pronounce are so attractive and alluring. Even if the two-year-old boy or girl does not know how to read, but this does not mean that we do not congratulate his/her second birthday. In the near future, this day may be the best, sweetest, warmest memories of the best and most beautiful moments of his or her life.
These 2nd birthday wishes may be really funny and inspirational. We hope have enjoyed the Above-mentioned 2nd birthday wishes and quotes for a baby boy or baby girl and get the idea of what to write in a 2-year-old birthday card message to wish a 2nd birthday boy or girl on his or her big day.
These happy birthday wishes for a 2-year-old baby boy or baby girl can be used as text messages or sent via social media posts, emails, or you can write in your 2nd birthday greeting card message or gifts. We hope that you will surely get the most appropriate and best birthday message to send your best happy birthday wishes for a 2-year-old baby girl or baby boy.